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More About Distilling Hope...

"Beth's remarkable and creative contribution to the field of chemical dependency is that she shows us how story is a unique and powerful doorway to recovery and healing. Anyone who wants to get acquainted and/or deepen their journey with the 12 steps for themselves or to assist others will be grateful to have found this book as a special resource."    

Marla Zipin, Psychologist and Life Coach, Washington, DC


"Quite stunning! The work you’ve done is remarkable. How blessed we are to have you in the storytelling community and in our world!"
Elaine Brewster

BETH LAYOUT_edited_edited.jpg

“A unique and groundbreaking book that offers a new avenue in the war against addiction.

A truly captivating read.”

Dr. Robert M. Coker, DO, DABAM, Medical Director, Hudson Health Services


​Available in paperback, audio download or a 2 CD set.

Bulk orders available through the publisher.

Parkhurst Brothers Publishing



If you are buying Distilling Hope in bulk,
please contact the Parkhurst Bros. Publishing directly @ 231.215.0488

If you are a counselor or in recovery, we recommend reading the book and using the CD
(which is only the stories) as a companion. 
If you are wanting ONLY the stories by themselves, the CD is a perfect choice.
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